Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Breath of Fresh Air

Location: Colorado
Attendants: The Fam
Activity: Fun, Fun, Fun

Does it even matter what you do when you are with the people you love? Today I did the usual standard items one finds in the day-to-day agendas. Got up, after much proding from my sister, her cat and the dog. Grocery store, cooking, cleaning...and some serious mall time. Sounds routine right? Wrong. Anything with my family is fun. Seriously. My sister and I try to see how much we can annoy the other all day long, and trust me my parents love it just as much as they did when we were 8 and 3. There is nothin like family in this world.

Also, I went running today. This was an exciting, awesome moment in my day. I have been sick for the last month. Bronchitus sick. I got to a point where I swore I was probably never going to be able to do anything but get out of bed, go to work, get back in bed. Oh and eat. I was still able to eat a lot, especially fatty, sugary unhealthy items. And today I broke that, in beautiful Colorado I went running. I only coughed maybe twice. I feel great even now six hours later. I'm so excited to double my distance tomorrow, maybe throw in some weight-lifting or pilates. I have planned out "The 2010 Schedule of Pain" and its awesome. I'll post another blog with details, but I'll give you a few hints: many triatholons, a couple centuries, Ragnar and maybe a half-marathon are included. I just need to figure out when exactly I'm going to find time to train and where I'm going to get the race entry fees from.

1 comment:

  1. woo hooo!!! your blog is so cute!! i can't wait to make little comments about all your posts. you are the best!!!
